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    Senior Feeding Guide: Dog Food for Older Dogs

    Senior Feeding Guide: Dog Food for Older Dogs

    As you get older, the kinds of foods that you can and cannot eat tend to change as you have to find alternative diets that are able to give you all the supplements and vitamins you need. Man’s best friend is no exception to this rule.

    As our dogs get older, they’re no longer as young and energetic as they were as puppies, and it only follows that because they aren’t running around as much, they might become a little heavier because you can’t force them to be more active, the next best thing would be to change their diet. 

    Dogs age differently from us, so there is no exact way to tell when you can classify your dog as a “senior dog” unless you are able to go and see your veterinarian who has all the documents to give you an accurate reading.

    A dog on average, can be considered a senior dog around the 7 year mark, although this may vary based on the breed.

    A good tell that your dog is getting older is by observing them and seeing if there’s any change in behavior, like them getting tired more easily and such.

    What to Feed Senior Dogs?

    When your dog begins to slow down, then that means they no longer need that much energy to go about their day. So that means that it would be a good idea to change their food to a diet that cuts their calorie intake.

    In exchange, you should choose senior dog food that is more on protein, that way your dog can still full without needing all that extra calories. This can also help improve your furry companion’s aging joints, making for a healthier immune system. 

    The reason that the calorie is so important is that, similar to us humans, if they have more calories than they burn, then your dog might become overweight which will cause other problems for you and your dog.

    If the opposite is happening, where your dog is actually losing weight in their age, then this might be something that calls for special attention from your veterinarian.

    How to Feed Senior Dogs?

    Being a senior dog also entails that their senses, such their sense of taste and smell might have dulled, which will also affect their appetite.

    If this happens, it might be better to change their food to a wetter alternative that is not only more appetizing to older dogs, but also easier for them to eat.

    It is also suggested that you serve the food at room temperature, so that the smell of the food is more apparent.

    When to Feed Senior Dogs?

    Not only the way you serve the food, but even when you serve the food can do wonders for your older pets.

    Rather than the twice a day that is given to regular bright eyed and bushy tailed puppies, it might be a better choice to choose a nice quiet place for your pet to eat and spreading your older pet’s eating times to being multiple times a day in small portions, provided that the food is still the prescribed amount that a dog should eat.

    Final Thoughts On Dog Food For Older Dogs

    Even if the change of diet is a good step to adapting to your aging furry companion, other factors such as their daily exercise must not be neglected either.

    At this time, they would still need more attention than ever, and playing with them so they could exercise is perfect and is a great way to bond.

    The best thing to do it to pay attention to your dog and what they need as they get older, and your dog will stay just as healthy as when he was a puppy.

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